Many aspects of networking can cause speeds that are slower than what is being provided when running speed-test queries. The first thing to clarify is that the service being provided is made available to your network and not just to one machine in particular. So any network usage by other devices while a speed test is running will reduce the speed tet result by an equal sum. The second issue to be aware of is that many routers, although they may have a gigabit interface, may not be able to actually router a full gigabit of traffic or may only be able to if using larger packets sizes. If you provide your router model we can check that for you with the manufacturer. Lastly, most computers and especially notebooks can not push or pull a gigabit of traffic. We see the averages between 400Mb and 800Mb with the most common being 600Mb and also with slightly different upload and download capabilities in most cases. This is typically predicated by the CPU architecture of the network interface card and the driver for the hardware. Regardless of the hardware limitations of machines, as long as your router can handle a gigabit of routing traffic with the currently enabled features, then you can use all of the bandwidth you are being provided as an aggregate across your network. So because the router limitation is the common bottleneck, we need to rule out this possibility and if it is not a bottleneck we can focus on the machines being used for the speed-test queries. Although our service hand-off point is the physical port, we would be glad to assist in validating your service level. Please advise when is a good time for a site visit or a phone call to work on this case.